Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The end of the world

1.People chewing while on the phone
2.When people ask about the origin of my name

I can't count the times that I have received a phone call, and the individual on the other line is chewing. Wait. I can count the times, over a MILLION! At least it feels that way. I just don't understand what possess a person to do that. It's rude to begin with, especially if the individual chews like a cow, and what if the person they are calling is starving or is on a diet trying not to think of food? It’s so rude.

I love when people compliment my name, and move on to the next topic. I feel very uncomfortable when people ask about the origin of my name. I don’t have a fucking clue! I don’t know why my dad decided it would be cool to name Zuyen, I just don’t know and some people can’t let go of it.

“You don’t know why your name was chosen? You don’t know what your name means?” It’s like the end of the world for these people.

“No. I don’t. I think my parents made it up. LOL (fake)”

What am I supposed to say? “Well, see my parents study the trends in names. They realized that the name Zuyen did not exist within a 100 mile radius, and thought it would be very creative.”

I should probably cool my jets, but I just hate when people are so insistent on finding out about something I don’t have a clue about.

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